Your trusted source for gas

MGP - Hungarian virtual trading point

Underlying: MSZ ISO 6976 type natural gas traded at GCV (25/0°) on the Hungarian high pressure gas network operated by FGSZ Ltd.*

Delivery: CEEGEX trades are delivered on a designated point (MGP- Hungarian Virtual Point) of the Hungarian high pressure gas network operated by FGSZ Ltd. Delivery takes place on every calendar day of the delivery period. On a given D delivery day physical delivery starts at 6:00 am and ends D+1 day at 6:00 am.

Virtual Spot Contracts

CEEGEX Virtual Spot Contracts correspond to title products traded on a within day or day
ahead basis for delivery on MGP. Spot Contracts support portfolio optimistaion and balancing.

Next- Hour


Day-Ahead ( DA, SA, SU, W/END, HD, IHD ) valid from 01.05.2019

Power and natural gas future products are available on HUDEX from the 3rd January 2018 www.hudex.hu


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