Your trusted source for gas



CEEGEX is a Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM) for the automated reporting of trading data in compliance with REMIT Art.8. CEEGEX is continuously enhancing its reporting service in accordance with new specifications and requirements communicated by ACER.

CEEGEX ACER registration number: B00009714.HU

By using the reporting service, market participants will:

  • have access to a standardised user interface,
  • reduce their reporting efforts of REMIT transaction data significantly,
  • be able to download REMIT data files individually and
  • monitor reported data and reporting status via an easily accessible web interface.

“REMIT affects everyone who participates in, or whose conduct affects, wholesale energy markets within the Union. It makes no difference whether or not the person resides within the EU or whether or not they are professional investors. Moreover, non-EU and non-EEA market participants are covered by REMIT when entering into transactions, including the placing of orders to trade, in one or more wholesale energy markets in the Union.

Accordingly, the obligations to register under REMIT with the competent NRA and to report data to the Agency according to Article 8(1) and (5) of REMIT also applies to such non-EU and non-EEA market participants. The same holds for the prohibitions of market abuse pursuant to Articles 3 and 5 of REMIT.”

> Questions & Answers on REMIT 21st Edition (June 2017), published by ACER


Pursuant to Article 8 of the Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) in connection with Article 6 of the REMIT Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014, Market Participants shall report the following to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER):

  • A record of wholesale energy market transactions including order to trade
  • Details of wholesale energy products executed at Organised Market Places (OMPs) including matched and unmatched orders

While overall responsibility rests with the Market Participants, their reporting obligation shall be considered as being fulfilled once the required information is received by ACER from the OMP concerned.

 Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 Art. 8 fig. 1

Market participants, or a person or authority […] on their behalf, shall provide the Agency with a record of wholesale energy market transactions, including orders to trade. The information reported shall include the precise identification of the wholesale energy products bought and sold, the price and quantity agreed, the dates and times of execution, the parties to the transaction and the beneficiaries of the transaction and any other relevant information. While overall responsibility lies with market participants, once the required information is received from a person or authority […], the reporting obligation on the market participant in question shall be considered to be fulfilled.”

  Frequently Asked Questions


The European Commission introduced REMIT fees funding part of the budget of ACER by the Commission Decision (EU) 2020/2152 of 17 December 2020 on fees due to the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators for collecting, handling, processing and analysing of information reported under Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. REMIT fees consist of two (2) elements, the record based fee element based on the data submitted to ACER (Orders and Trades) on yearly basis and the fixed fee element for the given year.

Price List for RRM Service

Please click on the numbers in the below table in order to see the agreement:

​Contract type ​Agreement ​CEEGEX Members NON CEEGEX Members​
 A1 Entrust CEEGEX to report their trades and data concluded on CEEGEX Listed in CEEGEX Membership Fee Schedule ​Not available
​ A2

Choose another RRM and download the data concluded on CEEGEX from the CEEGEX SFTP folder

​included in the annual membership fee

Not available

The A2 agreement extended with guaratee for ACER compatibility

1000 EUR/annum

Not available

​ B

Entrust CEEGEX to report their trades and data concluded on Organised Market Places (OMPs) other than CEEGEX Market and HUDEX natural gas segment Listed in CEEGEX Membership Fee Schedule ​1000 EUR/annum


REMIT Implementing Acts

CEREMP registration (in Hungarian)