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EKR Market results

Auction date Auction round Type Bid quantity (GJ) Offer quantity (GJ) Traded quantity (GJ) Single clearing price (HUF/GJ) Value (HUF) Minimum price of bids (HUF/GJ) Volume weighted average price of bids (HUF/GJ) Maximum price of bids (HUF/GJ) Minimum price of offers (HUF/GJ) Volume weighted average price of offers (HUF/GJ) Maximum price of offers (HUF/GJ) Number of auction participants Number of auction participants with winning orders
2025.02.18. 1. 5 évnél rövidebb élettartamú HEM 501.47 417,611.17 501.47 5,450.00 2,733,011.50 10,000 13,015.14 15,000 900 6,109.39 25,000 24 3
2025.02.18. 1. Legalább 5 év élettartamú HEM 4,301.47 235,726.10 3,299.07 3,625.00 11,959,128.75 2,250 6,416.81 15,000 3,200 8,288.75 40,000 39 8
2025.02.18. 1. Kétszeresen elszámolható HEM 33,164.65 427,633.14 31,062.25 4,845.00 150,496,601.25 1,000 8,045.52 15,000 3,845 7,771.73 15,000 42 6