EKR Market results
Auction date | Auction round | Type | Bid quantity (GJ) | Offer quantity (GJ) | Traded quantity (GJ) | Single clearing price (HUF/GJ) | Value (HUF) | Minimum price of bids (HUF/GJ) | Volume weighted average price of bids (HUF/GJ) | Maximum price of bids (HUF/GJ) | Minimum price of offers (HUF/GJ) | Volume weighted average price of offers (HUF/GJ) | Maximum price of offers (HUF/GJ) | Number of auction participants | Number of auction participants with winning orders |
2024.11.14. | 1. | 5 évnél rövidebb élettartamú HEM | 5,332.00 | 217,717.33 | 5,292.00 | 7,775.00 | 41,145,300.00 | 4,750 | 8,769.62 | 8,800 | 1,000 | 9,167.23 | 30,000 | 21 | 6 |
2024.11.14. | 1. | Legalább 5 év élettartamú HEM | 3,270.00 | 304,718.61 | 3,270.00 | 5,450.00 | 17,821,500.00 | 7,500 | 10,066.51 | 10,550 | 3,400 | 10,049.07 | 49,500 | 33 | 6 |
2024.11.14. | 1. | Kétszeresen elszámolható HEM | 42,950.72 | 267,547.19 | 23,200.72 | 9,010.00 | 209,038,487.20 | 8,000 | 9,871.37 | 13,550 | 6,475 | 11,700.81 | 16,000 | 36 | 11 |