Your trusted source for gas

Trading System

CEEGEX Spot market trading system:

Trayport GlobalVisionSM Exchange Trading System

Trayport trading system is acknowledged throughout Europe to provide a well-known and secure solution for trading natural gas and other energy related products on organized markets.

Besides the own GlobalVision platform of Trayport, an integration opportunity is provided for the members by using the Trading Gateway system as it grants technical access to the CEEGEX markets for more than 160 European trading companies.

  • Experience in the global energy markets
  • Integrated trading platform to 120+ leading energy trading firms  
  • Quick implementation
  • Flexible solutions
  • System provider for the main European exchanges (APX-Endex, CEGH (Wiener  Börse), EEX – European Energy Exchange, ICE – Inter-Continental Exchange, Powernext)

User guide

Order Submission Form