Your trusted source for gas

Mandatory publication

 Last update: 17.02.2025.


  • 1. Organisational and staff information

    1.1. Contact details

    Official name: CEEGEX Közép-Kelet-Európai Szervezett Földgázpiac Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

    Foreign language name and foreingn language abbreviated name: CEEGEX Central Eastern European Gas Exchange Private Company Limited by Shares, CEEGEX Ltd.

    Registered seat: HU-1134 Budapest, Dévai u. 26-28.

    Postal address: HU-1134 Budapest, Dévai u. 26-28.

    Telephone: (+36) 1 304 1090

    Fax number: (+36) 1 304 1099

    E-mail address: info@ceegex.hu

    Website: www.ceegex.hu

    1.2. Organisational structure

    Available in Hungarian

    1.3. Executive officers

    Executive officers:
    Dániel Garai, CEO
    Anett Petö-Szücs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer
    dr. Eszter Tordas, Commercial Manager 

    Supervisory Board:
    Zoltán Gellényi , Chairman of the Supervisory Board
    Balázs Tatár , Member of the Supervisory Board
    Balázs Sándor , Member of the Supervisory Board
    Richárd Balog , Member of the Supervisory Board

    1.4. Customer relations

    Available on working days (monday - Friday) from 8 am to 17 pm.

    Telephone: (+36) 1 304 3221

    Fax number: (+36) 1 304 1099

    E-mail address: memberhip@ceegex.hu

    Address: HU-1134 Budapest, Dévai u. 26-28.

    1.5. Corporate body

    Not applicable.

    1.6. Organ performing public duties under the supervision of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    1.7. Subsidiaries of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    1.8. Public foundations of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    1.9. Budgetary organ of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

     1.10. Newspapers of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    1.11. Supervisory authority of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Official name: Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal (Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority)

    Registered seat: HU-1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 52.

    Postal address: HU-1388 Budapest, Pf. 89.

    Telephone: (+36) 1 459 7777

    Fax number: (+36) 1 459 7766

    E-mail address: mekh@mekh.hu 

    Website: www.mekh.hu 

  • 2. Data related to activities and operations

    2.1. Governing rules and regulations

    Act XL of 2008 on natural gas supply;

    Governmental Decree 19 of 2009 (I.30.) on implementing certain provisions of the Act XL of 2008 on natural gas supply;

    Organizational and Operational Regulations (Available in Hungarian);

    Data Protection Regulations;

    ISO certificates: ISO - IEC 9001-2015 CertificateISO - IEC 27001-2013 Certificate

    Operating permit Available in Hungarian

    2.2. Company information

    Company information of CEEGEX Ltd.

    2.3. Local government tasks

    Not applicable.

    2.4. Authority powers of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    2.5. Public services of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    2.6. Public registers of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    2.7. Public publications of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    2.8. Decision-making process of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Not applicable.

    2.9. Decisions of CEEGEX Ltd. as a collegiate organ

    Not applicable.

    2.10. Public announcements and statements of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Market notices of CEEGEX Ltd.

    2.11. Tenders and openings of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Job offers of CEEGEX Ltd.

    2.12. Examinations and inspections

    Public findings of examinations and inspections carried out in connection with the main activity of CEEGEX Ltd.:

    Not applicable.

    Public findings of inspections carried out by the State Audit Office of Hungary:

    Not applicable.

    Public findings of inspections carried out by other state entities:

    Not applicable.

    2.13. Access to data of public interest

    Please submit your request, in accordance with Act CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and on the freedom of information, to the person responsible for information rights.

    E-mail address: dataprotection@ceegex.hu  

    Postal address, registered seat: HU-1134 Budapest, Dévai u. 26-28.

    Telephone: (+36) 1 304 1090

    2.14. Statistical information regarding the activity

    Not applicable.

    2.15. Statistical information regarding the data of public interest

    Not applicable.

    2.16.-2.17. Standard contract terms related to the use of data of CEEGEX Ltd.

    Info user and Data vendor packages of CEEGEX Ltd.

    2.18. Sector-specific publication schemes

    Executive wages: Available in Hungarian

    2.19.-2.25. Re-use of public data

    Information regarding the re-use of public data

    Not applicable.

    Terms regarding the re-use of public data

    Not applicable.

    Fees regarding the re-use of public data

    Not applicable.

    Remedies regarding the re-use of public data

    Not applicable.

    Contacts regarding the re-use of public data

    Not applicable.

    Contracts regarding the digitalization of cultural public data

    Not applicable.

    Policies regarding the cover of the costs of the re-use of public data

    Not applicable.

  • 3. Financial management data

    3.1. Fiscal Budgets, Annual Reports

    Fiscal Budgets:

    Not applicable.

    Annual Reports:

    Available in Hungarian

    Implementation of the fiscal budget:

    Not applicable.

    3.2. Data on the staff of CEEGEX Ltd.:

    Consolidated data on the staff, including personal benefits provided: Included in the annual accounts.

    Personal benefits, remuneration, salary and regular benefits of executive officers: Included in the sector-specific publication scheme.

    Amounts of benefits provided to other employees: Available in Hungarian

    3.3. Data related to the beneficiaries:

    Not applicable.

    3.4. Details of contracts with a value beyond the simple public procurement procedures (HUF 15 Mio):

    Available in Hungarian

    3.5. Concessions:

    Not applicable.

    3.6. Payments of more than 5 million forint outside the scope of the main activities:

    Not applicable.

    3.7. Developments implemented from European Union funding:

    Not applicable.

    3.8. Public procurements:

    Not applicable.


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