EKR Market results
Auction date | Auction round | Type | Bid quantity (GJ) | Offer quantity (GJ) | Traded quantity (GJ) | Single clearing price (HUF/GJ) | Value (HUF) | Minimum price of bids (HUF/GJ) | Volume weighted average price of bids (HUF/GJ) | Maximum price of bids (HUF/GJ) | Minimum price of offers (HUF/GJ) | Volume weighted average price of offers (HUF/GJ) | Maximum price of offers (HUF/GJ) | Number of auction participants | Number of auction participants with winning orders |
2024.02.27. | 1. | 3 évnél rövidebb élettartamú HEM | 58,528.14 | 13,065.10 | 4,900.00 | 10,000.00 | 49,000,000.00 | 1,013 | 7,306.60 | 20,000 | 9,000 | 12,766.89 | 16,000 | 10 | 5 |
2024.02.27. | 1. | Legalább 3 év élettartamú HEM | 28,246.00 | 34,078.29 | 7,863.14 | 12,850.00 | 101,041,349.00 | 2,021 | 8,708.58 | 20,000 | 12,500 | 13,996.62 | 25,000 | 13 | 5 |