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CEEGEX Organized Market Committee (OMC)


We would like to inform you that the nomination procedure of the CEEGEX Organized Market Committee (OMC) has been successfully finalized.

The new members have a mandate for 2 years until 17th May 2020.

We congratulate all the nominees and wish them a successful work as a Member of the Committee!

Please see the CEEGEX OMC Members below:

Name Company Position
Gábor Hóllosvölgyi Nitrofer GmbH Head of Portfolio Management
Tibor Papp MFGK Head of Trading
Gábor Lipcsey NKM Head of Gas procurement
Stephen Drewett MOL Natural Gas and Power Trader
Dömötör Zsolt FGSZ Accounting Expert
Péter Apáti MET Hungary Head of Portfolio Management
Zoltán Nagy KELER CCP Chief Risk Officer
János Bálint ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ Gas Purchasing Specialist



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