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Change in the publication of prices on the CEEGEX market from 2024


From January 2, 2024 the current Reference Price methodology is going to be replaced by the methodology of CEEREP introduced on March 28, 2023

With reference to the announcement published on our website on June 9, 2023, we hereby confirm that from January 2, 2024 the current Reference Price methodology is going to be replaced by the methodology of CEEREP introduced on March 28, 2023, which better reflects end-of-day value of the Hungarian natural gas market.

CEEGEX encourages market participants to use the newly launched CEEREP index or the volume weighted average price in the bilateral contracts, especially towards consumers.

CEEREP is an index calculated on the basis of end of day (EOD) prices that faithfully reflects the price level of the Hungarian Virtual Point (MGP) at the end of business days. CEEREP is based on the European best practices applying well-known qualification parameters, a standardized algorithm and a predefined reference window. CEEREP is a benchmark comparable to European EOD natural gas indices, increasing the usability of CEEGEX prices compared to previous MGP prices.

At the same time the Annex IV of CEEGEX Market Rules (Reference Price Regulation) will be adapted accordingly.

Further information about CEEREP: CX-MN-2023-0004: Introduction of new CEEGEX index

For the historical data retroactively please review our information packages or contact us at membership@ceegex.hu.


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